from The Philadelphia Inquirer, Monday, May 23, 1933
LOST—Dog, male, with harness; white with brown spot on
face & tail; in centre of city; answers to “Spike.”
LOST—Certificate of Naturalization No. 2, 400, 780. Rew.
Agostinho Antonio Barboza. 308 Pemberton st.
LOST—Brindle Bull. White mark neck & face, short tail
large eyes. Red collar. Vic. 28 & York. Rew. Spirit-
matter. 2230 W. Tioga
LOST—Bar pin with sapphires and Baroque pearl, going
from 20th and Locust sts. to 12th and Lycoming ave.
on Sunday Morning. Reward.
LOST—May 22. $50 bill btwn Widener Bldg & Wannamaker
Store. Rew.
LOST—Black & tan female puppy. 5 mos. old. name “Gipsy.”
Rew. 3024 E st.