Sunday, July 30, 2017
if you wanna wallow in the pig trough, you can light sparklers
in the street w/ the dudebros
i was a dumb kid when you arrived
and now i’m not
now i can get off the internet
and just be a person
my grandmother outlived her ability to speak
her first language, she was 97
your dropbox is full and is no longer syncing files
in the time of convenience stores, i got treated
like a convenience store
what doesn’t the revolving door
how do you give yourself to yourself
if there’s no such thing
keep peeling the potatoes, will you, and
we’ll let you know when it’s ready
you ride someone’s tail, i step on the fake brake
and nothing happens, we’re safe
i mean if you’re gonna be a nobody
have some class about it
shake up the pepsi before you hand it
to the scab
there’s no such thing as a good millionaire
everybody knows
tuck the corpse into your billfold
like there’s furniture in the mountains
for just a minute, maybe longer, stop being
everything you’ve made